Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Boosting Your Curb Appeal

Boosting Your Home’s Curb Appeal

It is impossible to do over a first impression. When it comes to selling a home many people will look at online pictures and even drive by the house before they make an appointment to see the inside. This means it is vital that your house has its best appearance at all times. Here are some tips for boosting the home’s curb appeal and luring in the right buyer.

Curb-AppealMake the Front Door Appealing

Since the front door is the first thing everyone sees it makes sense to either repaint the door or dress it up with some customized decor. Make sure the door knob and hinges are clean and shiny. Tidy up the area around the door by removing any unnecessary items and adding a new mat.

Cut Tree Branches

If you have trees around the home trim down the lowest branches. Low branches can sometimes be in the way of a full view of the home and obstruct the home’s appearance. Other times a low branch can rub against the home and damage paint, siding or windows. Now is the time to get rid of any low branch.

Clean off the Sidewalk, Driveways and Walls

The exterior of the home as well as the walkway and driveway are subjected to punishment day after day due to weather. A good pressure washer can remove the salt and grime that has built up over the past few months. It can also clean off the dirt from the front porch to help the appeal of the entrance.

Improve or Add Exterior Lighting

If you have any exterior lights around the front door or garage upgrade them to the highest wattage available. Flood lights are also a good idea to make the home brighter at night. Another way to improve lighting is by adding lights along the walkway. Lights along the walkway can also enhance the home’s appearance and increase security.

Clean the Gutters

Remove all the sticks, leaves and other gunk that is hanging out in the gutters. Making the gutters look good will give off the appearance of a well maintained home.

Trim the Shrubs

Many homes have various shrubs in front of the home or along the edge of the yard. When the shrubbery is trimmed and at the same height it can add a nice, clean look to the home. Either prune these yourself or hire a landscape professional to come in and clean up the shrubs.

Tidy up All Flower Beds

If the flowers have already bloomed you may not have much in the way of color to show off your floral beds. However, a fresh layer of mulch and removing any weeds or stray sticks and leaves will make the whole bed look better.

Boosting Your Curb Appeal

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